If you have just had plastic surgery and you are happy and excited with the results – who do you tell? You have probably already spoken to your family prior to surgery and maybe a few very close friends, and now you are wondering – what – if anything – you should tell others in your life? Should you tell co-workers? Or just let them come to their own conclusions? The answer is up to you, it comes down to how comfortable you feel discussing the work you have had done and the type of procedure.
Sometimes it can be hard to hide the results of facial surgery – it’s *out there* for all to see. If you have had a facelift or rhinoplasty that requires a splint on your nose, or there are bruises under your eyes for example. For this reason, it’s a good idea to tell those closest to you about your upcoming surgery. You need to tell at least one family member or close friend about your surgery as you will need someone to take you home after the surgery and stay with you for a few days.
To begin with, you can gauge people’s reactions to your news first by bringing up the topic of plastic surgery and asking for their thoughts and feelings. Attitudes towards plastic surgery have changed over the years, but some people will still disapprove. You can quickly rule out sharing your story with anyone who seems upset or uncomfortable when you bring up the topic of plastic surgery.
Perhaps you have planned a non-invasive procedure such as a Botox injection. You should be able to get away with not telling anyone. You can get yourself to and from the practice and head back to a normal life and work almost straight away.
You won’t have to tell co-workers if you don’t want to. If you are having a surgical procedure that will have you off work for a week or two, simply use up your holiday time, and if people ask what your plans are, it’s fine to say staying home and catching up with things around the house.
The reactions you will receive following surgery can range from people being happy for you, to being disappointed. Depending on *when* people see you following your surgery you may face comments from people on how you look due to swelling and bruising. You just need to have a thick skin and deal with people’s reactions accordingly.
If you think people are going to react in a negative way simply don’t tell them, but even those who were supportive and approved of or accepted your decision may be shocked and say something that is upsetting or unkind. If that happens accept it for what it is. If they think plastic surgery was a bad idea, thank them for their feedback and move on. Remember if people do comment about swelling and bruising – it’s a normal part of the surgery and it will fade.
While most people will not say anything preferring to mind their own business, others may not be as respectful and will ask – *have you had surgery*? What do you do? You can either tell them yes, you have had some *work* done and move on, thank them for the compliment about you looking good, or you can just smile coyly and say *not telling*.
Nosy people can be quite annoying and it is upsetting to have to answer questions you may find are a little *too personal*, if you can, just try and stay calm.
One way to avoid any questions from those you work with is to change something else about your appearance when you return to work or see your friends again. For example, styling your hair in a new way, buying a new item of clothing you don’t normally wear, or even something as small as changing the colour of your lipstick. This way when people ask what you have done differently, you can tell them you have changed your hair, or bought a new lipstick, or you are wearing a brand new outfit.
Also, when you choose the right plastic surgeon who can give you natural looking results no one will know you have *been under the knife* unless you tell them.