Why Industrial Filtration Is So Important

Industrial filtration is an essential process in commercial wastewater treatment. If you’re pumping wastewater from a refinery or any industry, pre-filtration is necessary to reduce the amount of suspended solids. While there are several steps in water treatment, filtration comes first to ensure the treated water meets the reuse standards. 

Both industrial facilities and small commercial businesses produce a variety of wastes which may impair the function of the machines used in a water treatment plant. That’s why skipping filtration in a wastewater treatment system can lead to costly damages.

Here’s why industrial filtration is an essential step in wastewater treatment.

Eliminate Suspended Solids

The main aim of industrial filtration is to reduce the concentration of solid suspensions in wastewater. It’s a way of lightening the load on downstream systems in a wastewater treatment system. Some industries like textiles, oil refinery, and beverage produce huge amounts of solid particles. To make the water treatment process more efficient, wastewater from these industries should be filtered to remove the solid suspensions. 

Get Rid of Other Contaminants

Industrial filtration in wastewater treatment not only reduces solid suspensions but can also eliminate pollutants. Depending on the type of filtration systems in place, you can get rid of contaminants like metals, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants. Getting rid of these substances before proceeding to the next stages of wastewater treatment improves the efficiency of downstream water treatment. Nevertheless, to remove these pollutants, special chemicals should be used in the filtration systems. 

Improves Water Treatment Efficiency

Filtration is used as a supplement to other wastewater treatment systems. Industrial filtration can improve the overall efficiency of the treatment system. As a pretreatment, filtration reduces the concentration of contaminants. This reduces the amount of load that flows to other parts of the wastewater treatment system, improving the efficiency of downstream polishing. At lower concentrations, the machines used in water treatment plants function optimally, hence eliminating all kinds of wastes. 

Less Equipment Maintenance

Like any equipment, machines used in wastewater treatment can break down if overworked. Releasing huge amounts of loads in the water treatment system can lead to significant damages that are costly to repair. Introducing filtration at the initial stages of wastewater treatment reduces the load, improving the efficiency of the machines. As a result, the equipment will need less maintenance, hence minimizing the cost of operation. 


Industrial filtration isn’t only meant to remove solid suspensions. Introducing disinfection systems at the filtration stage can help kill microscopic pathogens that can affect the efficiency of the water treatment system. For instance, UV disinfection can be used to target specific contaminants. Even so, the suspended particles should be filtered out to avoid blocking the sun rays from reaching the pollutants. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of a water treatment plant, having a filtration system combined with disinfection is essential. 

Industrial filtration is an essential process in a wastewater treatment system. To improve the efficiency of the water treatment plant, it’s advisable to get rid of solid suspensions and contaminants before proceeding to the next stages of treatment. 

Read also:

5 Things to know about water filter pitchers

What’s special about the new models of centrifuges

About the Author: Sanket Kumar

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