Keeping Your House Clean Over The Easter Break

Keeping Your House Clean Over The Easter Break


Many people just don’t know where to start when it comes to keeping their homes clean over the Easter break. Some have a cleaning regime that changes to suit – when they get the time they do something, maybe clean a room today, vacuum tomorrow. The good news is you don’t  have to give in to spending too much time fussing around and cleaning your home over Easter, if you have a few set routines you’ll find you get the cleaning completed quickly, giving you more time to spend doing other things you love.

Keeping the house under control is about being prepared and having some routines and systems in place.


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Have a cleaning kit

Have all your cleaning supplies together in a basket or bucket, not only can you carry all your supplies with you from room to room, avoiding the need to re-trace your steps so you can find the furniture polish. It will save you time, just make sure you keep your kit stocked with all the products you use regularly.


Have a system in place

By having a set routine or cleaning system it takes the thinking out of where to start. If you start at one end of the house and work your way through room by room, not only will this become routine, it will also save you time.

  • Before you start (if you have children) ask them to pick up all the items off their floors and clear mess from desks. That’s one less job for you to do.
  • Always start in the bathroom, spray your cleaning products over the shower, bath and toilet, this way you can let it *sit* there while you clean other areas of the house
  • Start at the front of the house and work your way through moving left to right.


Clean from top to bottom – left to right

Don’t give yourself extra work by dusting table tops and then dusting ceiling fans, or dust the top of bookshelves only to have the dust fall right back onto places you have already cleaned. Cleaning top to bottom left to right is a routine that allows you to not even think of what to clean. Walk into the room – look up – clean from the top down, moving around the room from left to right.


Concentrate on one thing at a time

When your house seems to get out of control and you just don’t know where to start, pick one area. Start with the room you use the most – the kitchen. Spend time cleaning and organising, but you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it, it doesn’t have to be perfect!


Maintain keeping things clean

Areas like the kitchen need a lot of attention as they are used daily, by everyone in your family and if you fail to *maintain the clean* it can get out of control. Perhaps food you have cooked has splattered onto the stove, counter top or splash back. If you leave it there it will go dry and hard and you’ll need to scrub to get it clean. Wipe it off straight away, if you give your kitchen a general clean when things get messy you won’t have to spend time scrubbing stains off. Remember waking up in a clean house sets your mood for the day.


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Create some new habits

Just making some simple changes and forming a few new habits will make a huge difference in your home. Just taking a minute to make your bed each day changes the look and feel of a room, from messy to tidy. Crawling into a bed each night that you have made during the day will give you a sense of achievement.


Clear away the clutter

Nothing makes a home feel and look messy more than clutter. Sadly, clutter can get out of control quickly, from piles of clothes hidden behind closed doors, *stuff* left to gather on a kitchen bench top to piles of items stacked up around the house. Clutter takes away the feeling you have of being relaxed in your own home. It can be hard knowing where to start, but the piles everywhere are constant reminders you need to get something done!

Remember – you DON’T need to clean a room every day, take your time, just do a little every day, it will become easier this way and when you see the difference you are making it will inspire you to keep going.

About the Author: Idea Express

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